Monthly Archives: April 2017

Episode 14 – How 4 Frogs and 1 Elephant Can Help You Attract Ideal Prospects

Marketing is often the weak link in an advisors practice and it’s almost always the first “expense’ that gets cut or the first “task” that falls off the plate. There are simple strategies and tactics that often get started and stopped over and over. It’s a cycle of marketing misfortune. We discuss these 4 simple tactics and 1 big strategy to move your business forward.

Episode 12 – 9 Outcomes of a Great Advisor Brand

Branding separates you from the pack – the sea of sameness so many advisors swim in daily. Branding makes every marketing tactic more effective and your overall marketing strategy more efficient – less is more. A good advisor brand pays in many ways. Here are nine outcomes you should expect from a good brand.

Episode 11 – 5 Steps to Creating Great Content

The right content is critical to creating trust, influence, and inspiring new business opportunities. In my experience, it’s taken over as the key online marketing strategy. Yet, so many advisors lack the time, ability and/or resources to pull it off and achieve the results they expect. The most obvious obstacle impacting financial advisors struggle with content creation is that they don’t have a process. Advisors need a process to be better at producing expert financial content. A well-thought out process can help you on your journey to become a financial influencer and inspire lots of referrals (ideal prospect leads).

Episode 10 – Get to Know Robert Sofia & Snappy Kraken’s Marketing Platform

Advisors can’t build good marketing while considering how to make “compliance” happy. It’s better to start with what will work then work backwards to get compliance on board or to make small concessions. Lots more financial marketing and success nuggets throughout this podcast.

Robert launched a platform to help advisors automate many parts of their business (prospecting, client experience, client communication, prospect mgmt) so advisors can focus on the only thing they can’t outsource of automate, meeting with clients. Lots of great insight into Snappy Kraken’s platform.

Mentions: Robert Sofia, Snappy Kraken


Robert Sofia founded Snappy Kraken, a SaaS marketing solution that helps financial advisors personalize, automate, and track marketing campaigns and business processes.

Episode 9 – 7 Keys to an Ultra Effective Advisor Website

Your financial advisor website is an opportunity to make a series of impressions with your audience. What eludes most advisors regarding their website design is the winning formula to make it better than the average advisor website. We discuss seven must-haves for a more effective website. Featuring marketing expert, Kirk Lowe |WOW Website Formula

Episode 8 – Getting to Know Sheryl Brown of Ash Brokerage

Sheryl shares her passion for business development, life, financial literacy and a better world. She talks about how Advisors are too often caught up in finspeak (financial industry jargon) to truly connect with, engage and influence the masses of seemingly uninterested investors, how important listening is to selling, and how Advisors rarely adopt and adapt to the what the leading thinkers in this industry are talking about, doing and succeeding at.

Peer book Sheryl referenced: Flirting With The Uninterested


Director of the Business Development Analyst Team at Ash Brokerage. Passionate business development and social media expert. Helps financial professionals expand their influence and grow their businesses. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

Episode 7 – 5 Big Marketing Mistakes Advisors Make

How to get out from the failed marketing that got you to this podcast. Successful marketing starts by having a better marketing mindset – a framework if you will. The first failed marketing practice is trying to do what others are doing assuming it will work for you. Listen to four more massive marketing mistakes advisors make.

Episode 6 – The Importance of Making Small, Cummulative Impressions

There are many opportunities, certainly more than one, to create an impression with clients. These days it’s a collection of “impressions” that develop the ONE important impression. This is why a brand and great marketing are so important, you’re always on the clock trying to make small impressions to eventually lead to that ONE BIG impression, to get you to “you rock”.

Episode 5 – The Real Scoop on Inspiring Referrals

Advisors have been misled by the promise of a referral program to boost their referral engagements. Referrals don’t happen authentically when you ask; and no client these days is falling for the BS tactics and scripts. If you want more referrals you need to, first and foremost, earn them. Secondly, you need to find ways to inspire people to want to refer you. Make it fun, professional and super easy to do so. In this episode we also talk about why clients refer – it might not be what you think.